
Hi. My name is Satwik Pattanaik.

about me.

I'm a sophomore at the University of California, Berkeley. I'm currently working towards obtaining my B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and looking for summer 2023 internships.




I have coded with python for many years and I am proficient in this language. I have mainly used python for data processing, machine learning algorithms, and game design.

I have been coding in Java for two years and I am fairly experienced. I have created IOT projects and basic games using this language.

I know basic javascript because I am a beginner in web development. I used javascript on this website to create the scrolling animations using a library called WOW.js


Say Hi 👋

I'm always free and I would love to hear from anyone with questions. I would also love to collaborate for a project or take advice to make any of my existing projects better. Don't be afraid to contact me whenever you want to!